J9: Who and Where.
My word cloud begin…
[ Louisville, Dirty Birds, Basketball, Aluminum Foil, Racetracks, Gambling, Dirty Floors, Heroin, Catholics, Baptists, Mary, Paul, Carl  Sr. Carl Jr. ]
I consider redaction, and salting the list with some things that aren’t true… or maybe something better?
[ Louisville-Oklahoma-Washington-Louisiana; Dirty Birds-Cardiac Cards-Black Birds-Little Brother, Basketball-Baseball-Football-Racetracks, Gambling, Dirty Floors-Marble Floors, Hardwood Floors, Heroin-Marijuana-Lithium; Catholics-Baptists-Atheists; Mary-Paul-Carl Sr.-Richard; Iroquois Park; Motown; RnB-Soul Music- Emo-Heavy Metal; Ohio River; Racism; Neutrality; Bitter Winters-Hot Summers; Water Parks-Roller Coaster-State Fairs; Ghettos-East-Enders-South-Enders; Male-PRP-Manual-St. Xavier-Trinity]
This seems to capture just about everything, with some time remaining. I’m going to describe the part of speech for each item as well….
- Louisville-Oklahoma-Washington-Louisiana: Proper Nouns (names of places/cities)
- Dirty Birds-Cardiac Cards-Black Birds: Proper Nouns (team names or nicknames)
- Basketball-Baseball-Football-Racetracks-Gambling: Nouns (sports and venues)
- Dirty Floors-Marble Floors-Hardwood Floors: Nouns (types of floors)
- Heroin-Marijuana-Lithium: Nouns (types of substances)
- Catholics-Baptists-Atheists: Nouns (religious groups or categories)
- Mary-Paul-Carl Sr.-Richard: Proper Nouns (personal names)
- Iroquois Park: Proper Noun (name of a specific park)
- Motown-RnB-Soul Music-Emo-Heavy Metal: Proper Noun (specific place or genre of music)
- Ohio River: Proper Noun (name of a specific river)
- Racism: Noun (concept or social issue)
- Neutrality: Noun (concept or state)
- Bitter Winters-Hot Summers: Nouns (types of seasons)
- Water Parks-Roller Coaster-State Fairs: Nouns (types of recreational venues/events)
- Ghettos-East-Enders-South-Enders: Nouns (places or groups of people, with “East-Enders” and “South-Enders” being specific groups)
- Male-PRP-Manual-St. Xavier-Trinity: Nouns (possibly referring to schools, locations, or specific terms, like “PRP” as an abbreviation)