J12: ReAnne & Journals
Part one of this prompt is to revise my questions for Anne. At this point, I feel that the quality is strong, and well developed – though I did make some changes from J11. I’ve read it out loud 2 additional times, and my final product will be:
Good afternoon, my name is Antonio. I am a Computer Science Major here at Berea, from the United States, and since I was a child, I’ve liked a good ghost story. I think that draw, found presence for me in your writing, for three reasons:
First, in your poems titles there are almost always marks that involved a date of birth and date of death.
Next, the statement in Homeplace, where you say, “No one asks me if I am haunted” implied for me, “Are you haunted? Am I haunted”.
Finally, just last evening, I was in a state of half-way awake, half-way asleep, and as I was waking I thought I could clearly distinguish a man standing by the side of my bed.
So, my first question is – what are your thoughts on the nature of ghosts? How do you view the nature of ghosts—do you see them as metaphors, spirits, or something else?
My second question would be closely related to that, and I’d ask why it seems there were no stories about ghost or the supernatural in Salt, was that an intentional choice?
Reference To: Re: APS 140: your server is down! On Post J9.
‘Many stories in these words! Why no people’s names? I’m also curious about where you’d put them in a time line since these are your ancestors. How do you see them living in you? I can imagine a whole book! I can imagine each of them in their own complex manifestation which has a direct relationship to you…… Please send me an e-mail telling me more….’
Dr. Green, I did have mention to some name in J9, “Mary-Paul-Carl Sr.-Richard”. If I were however, to describe these relationships, in another list I’d say: “Disowned-Dead-Dead-Disowned”. Though, I do recall the power of some of the archival work that I’d done in Caribbean Literature where I’d explored some of the final moments in my grandfathers life. I also carried some of this forward in my writings on Saudi Arabia. The question of how I seem them living in me is powered, considering that my descriptions are at least halfway dead, and I’d tend to agree that each of these could represent a form of short story.
What was my relationship to Mary? To Paul? To Carl? To Richard?
A final note, how much of this should be redacted? Perhaps I should transition over to a more confidential format. The website does get it’s share of traffic, but most of it is bot generated…