J8: Free write
Currently working through a cold, and an unexpected state tax…debt…”forgive us our debts”.
My free write today will be a draft from an email conversation I’m having with my accounting professor.
Thank you for your passionate reply, you must enjoy these types of conversations! 🙂
The question of mission work and evangelism has been a significant part of my life, though I have struggled to have enough conviction to keep hard theological lines. (I’ve struggled to ever speak up for myself!). I wonder if it’s easier to do good works? But, to verbally proclaim the gospel ( which Paul described as an offense )? I certainly want to avoid being offensive! Â
Perhaps I lack the clarity to see things as they are, but as a non-trad my struggle to find a stable living is a deep concern. It seems the age affords me neither to be neither a monastic, nor a carpenter, nor a lumberjack, or miner , or soldier. So, I have tried to be an educated person as my means of living. I wonder if the line from Dalton is true: “Congress sold us for cheap wages.”
 I have been prayer about this!
On a less personal side, I am wondering if there are any accounting classes where one could develop the economic framework for running a business?Â
I love the scenario driven work on the Cengage text but Imagine the possibilities if students could use this material as a guide for the formation of LLCs! This knowledge would be amplified if applied towards an actual entity.Â
Daily, I seem to find reminders about the United States lack manufacturing base, as the phrase (logistics win wars comes to mine). How shifting’s like BRICS looms as an existential threat to the United States, to my children. I am perplexed by the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, and my inability to do anything.