J11: Questions For Anne
I had some preparatory comments as I formatted my question, and was fully prepared to engage with Anne but the snow day was enough to make me lose my paper! My journal post will work to iron this out before class:
Good afternoon, my name is Antonio. I am a Computer Science Major here at Berea, from the United States, and since I was a child, I’ve liked a good ghost story (though I have never considered a ghost poem!). I think that draw, found presence for me in your writing, for two reasons: First, in your poems titles there are almost always marks that involved a date of birth and date of death. Next, the statement in Homeplace, where you say, “No one asks me if I am haunted” implied for me, “Are you haunted? Am I haunted”. So, my first question is – what are your thoughts on the nature of ghosts? “How do you view the nature of ghosts—do you see them as metaphors, spirits, or something else?”
My second question would be closely related to that, and I’d ask why it seems there were no stories about ghost or the supernatural in Salt, was that an intentional choice?
Since I couldn’t see this, I couldn’t offer advice. I think a better question for #2 would be “In what way can might we think about ‘Salt’ as a ghost story”? 10/10